Admin employees keep your business running smoothly; even a small staffing shortage can interrupt operations and slow productivity. A strong talent pipeline can prevent these disruptions and help you overcome the ongoing labour shortage.

As you determine the best strategy to build a thriving applicant pool in administration, you may need to change your approach to recruiting and hiring. An updated, data-driven strategy makes it easier to reach more admin candidates.

Two woman sitting on a window sill looking at papers.
Two woman sitting on a window sill looking at papers.

ready to expand your pool of potential candidates quickly?

Discover how to look beyond a candidate's resume, optimize your selection process, and evaluate candidates effectively. 

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benefits of a bigger admin talent pool

Canadian businesses are facing several significant business and HR challenges in 2023. The global labour shortage is making it harder to find skilled workers. To complicate matters further, many companies are seeing higher employee churn rates as workers pursue other opportunities.

Then, there's the economy — amid continuing supply chain issues and a looming recession, business owners are prioritizing productivity. In these conditions, a strong administrative team is essential. 

Your workers bring efficiency and continuity to the business, so the rest of the workforce can focus on generating revenue. When an admin employee leaves, a quick replacement can prevent expensive disruptions.

That's where an expanded admin talent pool comes in. With more potential candidates to choose from, it's easier to find a good fit. Other benefits of a wider range of qualified candidates include:

  • Faster hiring process
  • More affordable recruiting process
  • Efficient use of the HR team's time

explore our guide to building a talent pool of admin workers

Whether you're anticipating potential hiring needs or dealing with current admin staffing shortages, now is the time to take action. To help you expand your talent pool and tackle the labour shortage, we've put together a useful guide based on our research into the priorities of Canadian job seekers.

revamp recruiting and hiring

The first part of the guide lays out tips to streamline admin candidate selection. You'll learn how to evaluate your company's existing recruiting strategies and identify high-value opportunities for improvement. 

The data we used to create these strategies comes from our latest research. In partnership with the market research firm Ipsos, we surveyed a representative national sample of workers and job seekers. 

Our goal was to find out what employees want most from recruiting, hiring and onboarding — and more importantly, what you can do to attract the best people for every open position.

The biggest takeaway? Hiring in 2023 is all about skills and potential. When you're filling admin jobs, it's important to look beyond an applicant's resume and find relevant abilities and expertise. It's an effective way to access candidates who bring unexpected work experiences and fresh perspectives to your administrative functions.

If you've filled a position in the past few months, you know qualified admin workers are in high demand. By updating and expanding your candidate selection process, you can gain an advantage by connecting with workers that competitors ignore.

evaluating candidates

Recruiting is only half the battle; the second part of our admin guide provides ways to evaluate and assess candidates. An updated assessment process is critical in a labour shortage. Our research shows that one size does not fit all when it comes to hiring, so your company must be prepared to adjust to the needs of different candidates.

Our strategies are designed to help you create a flexible approach that adapts easily to individual priorities. You'll learn how to assess the soft skills and experience for both typical and nontraditional applicants — a must when you're hiring from a large, diverse admin talent pool.

ready to expand your pool of potential candidates quickly?

Discover how to look beyond a candidate's resume, optimize your selection process, and evaluate candidates effectively. 

get your guide now

When you're considering candidates who don't fit the usual admin profile, assessing cultural fit is critical. We offer a set of interview questions that can provide insights into each candidate's preferred work environment. The questions also benefit applicants; company is a top priority for job seekers, so it's worth your time to make sure they're in alignment with your organization.

As a bonus, we've also included exclusive insights from our recent research. Discover surprising statistics about writing job postings, the ideal hiring process length and more.

start expanding your admin talent pool today

Whether your company needs temporary workers or long-term employees, our guide can help you improve the talent acquisition process. Fill out the form to download the guide and find actionable strategies you can put to work today.

looking to expand your pool of administrative talent? download our guide today to quickly increase your number of potential candidates.

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