Providing health and wellness benefits as an employer helps to establish a work environment that promotes the overall well-being of employees. But it is also part of an effective strategy to attract and retain talent over the long term, including generating greater engagement and loyalty.

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Cycling man, autumn trees and office buildings on the background.
Cycling man, autumn trees and office buildings on the background.

why are health and wellness benefits so important?

Burnout rates are on the rise, in part due to factors from the pandemic that are still burdening businesses and employees across Canada. 

Employees are increasingly realizing the impact of working at unhealthy levels or in environments that aren’t good for their physical or mental health, and they’re making significant changes in their careers because of that. 

This includes leaving a position or employer for another one if the employee perceives that the other opportunity has better health and wellness benefits.

what do canadian workers want?

When it comes to health benefits, Canadian workers prefer employers who offer more than just sick days or predetermined time off. Employees want to be able to take care of their families, which is a top priority for many, especially in the wake of the pandemic. This can mean a desire for benefits such as:

  • Access to more maternity or parental leave
  • Employer subsidies to help defray the costs of dependent care, including care for young children or elderly loved ones
  • Flexible schedules or working environments that make it easier to be present for loved ones in small moments, from doctor’s visits to children’s school performances

The benefits employees want are those that demonstrate that employers value and support them. Regarding wellbeing, that means supporting staff in all areas of their lives. Benefits should consider:

  • Physical health, making options like gym memberships or employee exercise programs attractive to many
  • Mental health, which might mean investing in counselling and support options for staff that want to take advantage of them
  • General lifestyle improvements, such as help or support for better nutrition or engaging in a social community

It’s not enough to consider how the job and culture in the workplace support these things. Employers should also seek to offer benefits that help outside of the workplace.

download our guide to health and wellness benefits

We drew on our surveys, network and knowledge to learn more about what employees want regarding health and wellness benefits. 

That included a survey we conducted in cooperation with Ipsos. We asked 1,000 Canadian workers across various sectors what would motivate them to leave one job for another. 

It turns out flexibility, and how that can impact health and wellness, is a huge consideration for employees.

Complete the form below to download our guide to health and wellness benefits and create attractive talent benefits today. Our guide brings together:

  • all the ways offering health and wellness benefits as an employer support the health of your employees and your business alike
  • the specific impact that inaction can have on employee engagement, and thus your ability to hire and retain top talent
  • some effective solutions you can put into action to ensure strong health and wellness benefits 

If you want to read more about our findings, you can also access the other guides we developed to help you establish the best retention and attraction strategies.

more resources on health and wellness benefits

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