Flexibility is necessary in today’s ever changing work environment. This means for part-time and temporary workers too. If you’ve had the chance to download and read our cracking the talent code guide, you already have a good understanding of the need for flexible work arrangements. If you haven’t reviewed it yet, you can get the guide right now. Learn more about how to better appeal to job candidates and your current employees.


being flexible with workers improve your organization

Amid the great resignation, employers are finding it increasingly challenging to recruit. It is a tight candidate market, especially for temporary workers. Organizations need to offer employees perks that interest them – flexible work conditions are at the top of the list.

Randstad can help you understand:

  • All employees (including part-time and temporary workers) value flexible work conditions
  • Offering flexibility can help you more effectively recruit talent
  • Flexibility can mean many things to different types of employees

download our case study

Understanding the specific things that matter to your employees is essential. In this case study, you’ll find:

  • The story of a major industrial company looking to stand out and attract more workers
  • How offering greater flexibility helps the company attract and retain workers
  • Why getting employee feedback helped them uncover that flexibility meant paid time off for temporary workers.

read the case study today

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