On Mother's Day, we want to pay tribute to our mothers with a touch of humour but with accurate advice.

This article highlights the valuable advice our mothers gave us throughout our upbringing, which is just as relevant today in the professional world.

This advice is often based on folk wisdom, passed down from generation to generation. And while they may seem simple at first glance, applying them can significantly impact our professional success.

We look at some of these timeless tips and their relevance to today's working world.

We aim to provide you with a fun and inspiring perspective on our mothers' advice while encouraging you to put it into practice to succeed in your working life.

career tips from your mom
career tips from your mom

1. 'always wear clean underwear'

Mother's advice to always have clean underwear on in case of an emergency (like an unplanned hospital visit!) may seem strange, but it has practical application in the professional world. 

Ensure you are always prepared by looking neat and maintaining good personal hygiene.

Although dress codes are becoming less strict, your appearance is still important to how you are perceived by your colleagues, current managers or future employers. Especially if you work in environments where you are likely to meet customers! 

Although competence is the most important factor for professional success, appearance can still affect your self-confidence and how others perceive you.

Maintaining a professional appearance at all times prepares you for any situation, whether it is an impromptu meeting or a meeting with a potential client.

2. 'tidy your room'

Although it may seem like a trite piece of advice, 'tidy your room' is a crucial lesson that can be applied effectively in the professional world. Maintaining a clean and organized environment is essential, whether it's your physical or virtual workspace.

Even if you prefer to work amidst clutter, imagine the consequences if you were absent and someone had to take your place temporarily. 

Leaving a disorganized workspace would make it difficult for your replacement to perform their job effectively and create an unprofessional impression.

Moreover, a clean and tidy workspace can boost your mental productivity by reducing visual and cognitive distractions. As hybrid work models become more prevalent, some companies even require employees to depersonalize their desks to make it easier for everyone to use the space.

Therefore, keeping your desk clean at all times is crucial to avoid disrupting your concentration and disturbing your colleagues. 

You don't want to be remembered as the colleague whose coffee cups were left on the desk overnight. Such behaviour can make you appear unprofessional and undermine your credibility at work. 

Keeping your workspace clean and organized will convey a professional image and promote a positive work environment.

3. 'be nice to your friends'

Remember when your mother told you to share your toys and be nice? Being nice to your colleagues is just as important in the professional world.

A workplace is a place where social interactions are everyday, so it is crucial to maintain cordial relationships with your colleagues

This can have a significant impact on your personal well-being and professional success. This recommendation is even more important for those who work remotely.

To achieve this, cultivate positive relationships with your colleagues, not only on special occasions but also daily. 

Take the time to talk with them, get to know them and share common interests. 

Research shows that people with strong relationships with their colleagues are more engaged, productive, and satisfied with their work.

Investing time and energy connecting with your colleagues will enhance your sense of belonging to the company and improve your work experience. 

Ultimately, everyone benefits: employees are happier and more productive, and employers benefit from a more effective and motivated team.

So remember what your mother taught you and apply it to your workplace to succeed and grow professionally.

4. 'do your homework'.

Thomas Edison used to say that genius was 'one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration'. 

Although your mother may not quote him directly, she has undoubtedly given you this same advice many times: nothing is gained without effort!

This learning is particularly relevant when looking for a job. If you are lucky enough to get an interview, you need to 'do your homework' to increase your chances of success.

Ensure you update your LinkedIn profile and clean up your Facebook, Instagram and Twitter accounts

Also, learn more about the company that has called you for the interview. Thorough preparation can be the key to impressing human resources and your future employer.

Just as doing your homework guarantees a good grade in an exam, thorough preparation can help you come across confident and in control at the interview. 

It can also show a potential employer that you are a serious and committed candidate, making all the difference in a competitive selection process.

In short, take the time to prepare well before each interview to maximize your chances of success in your job search.

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5. 'sit up straight'.

We've all heard our mothers tell us to sit up straight, and although it may seem like a small thing, this advice is still relevant, especially in the professional world.

This is because your body language is essential to your non-verbal communication, as it says a lot about you even before you speak. 

By having a good, upright and relaxed posture, you can project an image of self-confidence and presence, which can be crucial to making a good impression at an interview or in the workplace.

By taking care of your posture, body language and professional image, you can present yourself in the best light and increase your chances of success in your job search.

Indeed, employers often look for candidates who look confident and can inspire confidence, so take notice of the importance of your posture in non-verbal communication.

6. 'eat your vegetables'.

We all know that eating vegetables is good for our health, but did you know it's also crucial for our well-being at work?

Whether you work remotely or on-site, taking care of your diet is essential for your mental health and productivity. Taking regular breaks, stepping away from your computer, and enjoying a healthy, balanced meal are important.

Distracted eating can disrupt digestion, increase stress levels, and reduce concentration. However, eating mindfully can improve your physical and mental health, help you manage stress better, and increase productivity.

As the saying goes, you are what you eat. So make sure to fuel your body and mind with the nutrients they need to thrive and take care of your well-being in and out of the workplace.

7. 'don't stay in your corner'

Do you remember being the shy child in daycare or the student who struggled to find partners for collaboration? 

In those moments, your mother likely encouraged you to come out of your shell, recognizing the value of social interaction in building a support network that could help you go further.

This lesson is still just as relevant in today's professional world. Whether at a happy hour, a personal event, or interacting with colleagues and clients daily, every conversation and new contact can be an opportunity for your career.

These opportunities could include anything from a job offer to acquiring new skills and knowledge or simply building valuable relationships to support you on your career path.

If you're wondering how to start building or expanding your existing network, check out our tips. Remember, every interaction can be a chance for your professional development.

Look at our ideas if you're looking for ways to start or expand your present network. Keep in mind that every connection has the potential to boost your professional development.

8. 'do what you love and do it well'

Our mothers often imparted the valuable lesson of doing what we love and doing it well, which also holds true in the professional world. When we are passionate about our work, we perform better and stay more committed.

Moreover, finding meaning in our work is crucial for overall job satisfaction, regardless of our job. By prioritizing quality, commitment, and purpose, we can set clear career goals and establish a path toward achieving them.

Successful individuals don't just settle for their assigned tasks; they take the initiative to shoulder additional responsibilities. They also are willing to help others and continue learning, recognizing that everyone needs support at some point.

If you aim to become a leader in your career, embrace these values. Your dedication and willingness to contribute to the company's success will not go unnoticed by your managers.

share this article with your mother

If you read this article in May, please wish your mother a happy Mother's Day. 

And if you think this article is relevant to her, share it with her and send her a message of thanks for all the lessons she has taught you that have helped you become the person you are today.

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