Today’s manufacturing industry is grappling with one of its most difficult hiring periods, worsened by ongoing supply chain shortages. According to a study by Deloitte and The Manufacturing Institute, the manufacturing skills gap could result in 2.1 million manufacturing jobs going unfilled by 2030. Understanding how to write a manufacturing job description is crucial to address this gap and attract the right talent.

Many young workers simply aren’t looking for jobs in assembly lines or other manufacturing roles. That’s why HR leaders must create an environment for new talent that aligns with their values and career ambitions. In most cases, this starts with cultural changes, but it also includes improving job descriptions for new hires.

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book about manufacturing jobs

looking for detailed insights on how to write an attractive job post that draws in manufacturing talent? our guide on writing a manufacturing job description is the resource you need.

what job seekers want in manufacturing roles

Business leaders have been slow to acknowledge their industry's image problem with younger workers. Many younger workers see manufacturing as an often dangerous, low-paying and technologically behind industry. This puts HR leaders in the unusual position of being a “public relations agency for their industry,” as SHRM describes it.

In practice, HR leaders must not only recruit for individual roles but for the industry as a whole. Fortunately, the two go hand in hand. To be successful, a job description must help candidates determine if they will be happy and successful in the roles it describes, and it needs to attract the right candidates for that role, regardless of the industry’s image.

But what does happiness and success look like for future manufacturing employees? Grasping this will be essential to attracting underrepresented populations to the industry, such as women, veterans and younger workers in general. Here’s a closer look at four priorities common among the emerging workforce:

•  offer competitive benefits

Manufacturing is more pay- and benefits-driven than other industries, since pay is typically low and benefits are less common. Randstad found that only 40 percent of manufacturing workers in Canada have access to vacation benefits, for example. Workers frequently change jobs even for modest pay rises. Offering pay and benefits even slightly more attractive than competitors can go a long way.

•  emphasize job security

Low-income workers are more likely to live paycheque to paycheque, so job loss is particularly damaging. They may also feel like they have fewer options than highly educated workers. As a result, manufacturing workers are more likely to prioritize long-term relationships with employers and seek out jobs that guarantee longevity and security upfront.

•  provide a clear pathway to professional development and growth

Manufacturing employees are more likely to prioritize career advancement opportunities than other workers — 33 percent chose “advancing their career” as a top driving factor when looking for work compared to other options. Make sure applicants can visualize these opportunities during the application process.

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why is knowing how to write a manufacturing job description so vital?

Job descriptions are your first point of contact with a potential employee. They’re critical to making a great first impression and setting the tone for your working relationship. They also offer an opportunity to “sell” the role to the candidate. You’re more likely to attract the best candidate if the job sounds compelling. Despite the importance of job descriptions, many manufacturing HR professionals don’t follow best practices for writing a manufacturing job description.

We produced a guide with practical, contextual advice you can use to write better job postings. Starting with a deeper understanding of the current workforce and what candidates look for in a manufacturing job, the guide will help you develop a successful approach to creating job descriptions — aligning the right candidates with the manufacturing role for which you are hiring and, ultimately, the future success of your organization. Here’s what’s covered:

  • An overview of the challenges HR leaders in manufacturing face today
  • An analysis of what motivates manufacturing job candidates
  • Five techniques to improve manufacturing job descriptions
  • How to write a manufacturing job description for a Machine Operator, including daily responsibilities of the role

Improving job descriptions is not just about attracting candidates. It's also about making sure they are the right fit for the production process in your organization. A well-crafted job description ensures potential employees understand the specific production worker duties and how they contribute to the overall production process.

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