Today’s highly competitive job market has made talent acquisition even more challenging than it was. At the same time, simply attracting qualified talent is not enough. How do you engage your teams while amplifying their performance with diverse perspectives and new ideas, how do you reduce turnover and increase productivity and, by extension, profitability? Approaching these challenges from a holistic d&i perspective will help you foster an environment where people are excited to show up and work hard.

Join Randstad Canada’s Diversity & Inclusion team for a series of 1-hour interactive workshops to help you attract and engage a diversity of talent through d&i best practices.

bias and inclusion in recruitment and onboarding

when? Thursday, March 3rd 1 PM EST

what’s covered?

  • Data insights: why is it important to address our biases?
  • Common types of bias in the hiring process and onboarding
  • Examples of biased scenarios in recruitment 
  • Disrupting bias: best practices

job descriptions and inclusive language

when? Thursday, March 24th 1 PM EST

what’s covered?

  • Data insights: why is it important to address our biases in job descriptions? 
  • Bias and exclusionary language examples 
  • Inclusive language - best practices
  • Job description simulation exercise

inclusive Interviewing

when? Thursday, April 14th 1 PM EST

what’s covered?

  • Data insights: why is inclusive interviewing important?
  • Common types of biases in recruitment 
  • Identifying your diversity gaps and strategic goal setting
  • Hiring inclusively and strategically: how to make your process more inclusive (before, during and after the interview)

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looking for talent? we are here to help!

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