Employees don't quit their jobs, they quit their bosses.

According to a Udemy research, over half of employees polled quit due to a bad boss, and nearly two-thirds said their manager lacked sufficient managerial training.

No one wants to be that boss. 

Everyone has had that one boss who micromanages the smallest details, constantly complains about how difficult their job is and doesn’t seem to understand the ‘constructive’ part of constructive criticism.

Fortunately, being this type of boss is easily avoided. How to be a better boss? 

It may take a little effort on your part, but adopting a constructive management style and taking the management tips below to heart will vastly improve your working environment.

how to be a better boss
how to be a better boss

Whether you’re a freshly minted supervisor recently promoted to a position of authority (congratulations!) or have years of experience in a managerial role, it’s never too late to be a better boss. 

Here are 10 management tips are a start to being a better boss:

1. be a leader, not a dictator.

Asking versus telling is a stark difference. If you make demands and speak harshly with employees, resentment is a sure thing. 

Ask for change and lead with respect. Your team members understand what they should be doing. 

Effective communication is key. Check-in regularly to make sure they’re on target and ask how you can help them meet their personal work goals and overarching company goals. 

This kind of support structure is more productive than making demands and micromanaging.

2. listen to your team members.

Any guide on effective management styles will tell you that good communication is essential. Remember that keeping the lines of effective communication open is a two-way street. 

To be an effective manager, you must communicate your expectations to employees and let them do the same.

If your team members need support or want to share feedback with you, good or bad, they should feel comfortable doing so. 

Being a better boss means lending your ear and attempting to understand their point of view. If they come to you with grievances, don’t brush them off. Instead, help devise solutions that address the root problem.

3. consider yourself a part of the team.

The most effective managers understand they’re a part of the team they manage. Sure, you give directives and delegate tasks, but that doesn’t mean you’re ‘above’ your team.

Being a better boss means considering yourself as ‘one of the team.’ This will help you understand your subordinates’ mindset and ensure you can provide assistance when they need support. 

If you recognize your team is a unit, it’s easy to see you must work together and support one another with your individual strengths. That includes yours.

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4. hire the right talent.

Great bosses surround themselves with highly qualified talent they can trust to get the job done. As a leader, you have to be able to delegate tasks to your team and influence company culture

If you hire the right people to disperse those tasks to, your job is easier, as are all the jobs of all others on your team. 

A network of talented professionals who all support, collaborate, complement one another, and seek personal growth are the key to a strong team.

5. be a better mentor

As a supervisor, you probably have more work experience than those who work below you. Instead of hoarding your experience for yourself, share it! 

Mentoring team members will help them grow and expand on their existing talents. 

Mentoring your employees shows you care about their career trajectory beyond what they can do for you. 

Giving team members constructive feedback and mentoring them to achieve their personal goals will improve their overall productivity. If you’re a really good mentor, your employees will be all the better for sharing your experience.

6. lead by example

Managers can easily get sucked into the mentality that they must be “managerial” and not get stuck in the trenches with their employees. This is the wrong way of looking at your role. 

Being a better boss means leading by example. As your team's head, it’s up to you to set the standard. Show how you want things done rather than telling. 

Employees are more likely to respect managers who follow their own rules, communicate well, and give constructive feedback.

7. build trust

Being a better boss means that there are many ways to build trust with your team members. In fact, many of the other points on this list are about building employee trust and respect. 

The simple fact is that employees who believe in you and your abilities are more likely to put in effort. 

If they respect you, they’ll probably also want to impress you with their passion and dedication to work.

8. don’t make praise taboo

Too many bosses spend their time correcting employees and lecturing them about the “right” way to do things. This accomplishes little beyond breeding resentful employees. 

While it’s probably not a good idea to make praise your only form of communication with employees, don’t let it fall by the wayside, either. 

When one of your employees does something well, let them know it! This doesn’t mean constructive feedback isn’t on the table. 

It means recognizing the good in addition to areas for improvement. Employees are most likely to thrive in a balanced environment that includes both. Effective communication makes a good boss an even better boss.

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9. set reasonable goals

Setting goals for both yourself and your team members is an important part of moving forward. 

A team without goals can be directionless. Make sure you and your employees have something to reach for, and communicate these goals with them. 

Regular team meetings are a great way to ensure that everyone is on the same page and has planned a route to success and achieving your goals.

10. encourage problem-solving

As a boss, you don’t have to solve every problem alone. If you’ve followed along so far, you recognize that your employees are your best asset. 

If you’ve hired talented individuals, your team should be self-sufficient to a degree. They’re as capable of solving problems as you are. 

You shouldn’t have to step in to constantly put out fires if you have a capable team surrounding you, which should feel good to you as a boss.

Do you have ideas about what it means to be a good boss? We’d love to hear your thoughts on management styles and what you think being a better boss means. 

Feel free to share your management style and tips on Randstad’s LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter.

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