Not all that long ago, a company’s IT department was expected to provide infrastructure and services that enabled the rest of the company’s workers to carry out their duties and maximize productivity. Simply put, IT departments were considered enablers for the rest of the workforce, with little to no input in the overall business strategy.

That’s changed.

Today’s IT workers are expected to play a key role in driving overall business strategy and are at the heart of innovation at any business. Here are 3 ways the role of tech workers has changed drastically in the last decade.


1. IT professionals are now key drivers of innovation

Many organizations need innovative thinkers to propel the development of new products and services and to create better customer experiences, thereby, fueling revenue growth.

Today, technology is an essential component of innovation and the user journey, no matter what field or industry you look at. As one might expect, many companies are looking to develop innovative tools and processes around mobility, Internet of Things (IoT), analytics, security, the cloud, and social media. IT workers are central to all of these initiatives. So as you might expect, IT initiatives are more closely linked to business goals and objectives than ever before.

2. IT workers are the answer to a major shift in customer behaviour

The way we interact with technology has changed drastically in the last decade. Just over 10 years ago, in January 2007, Steve Jobs announced the first iPhone. In the decade since, smartphone use has exploded. Now almost 70% of Canadians own a smartphone and 55% of those people have made a purchase on their phone. Customers’ needs and expectations are changing with their behaviour.

Technology is now central to how the average Canadian lives their life. From comparison shopping, to finding directions, to communicating with friends and family – they all involve technology. IT workers have the skills needed to address these behavioral changes from a business perspective.

Innovation doesn’t necessarily have to mean something groundbreaking. It can also mean subtle improvements to existing products or services that are meaningful to the buyer or user. Innovation is a marriage of technological savvy, with astute insight into the consumer and market.

3. IT workers are in the driver’s seat when it comes to choosing work

Many companies are finding it difficult to find and hire enough of the talent they need to effectively address emerging tech fields. In some cases, organizations are having so much difficulty hiring talent that it’s actually impeding business growth.

Ultimately, if unable to successfully circumvent this talent shortage and keep up with the breakneck pace of evolving technology, revenues will be affected. Finding and retaining individuals with the skilled the needed to execute business goals is a challenge in and of itself. Savvy businesses are thinking about how they can market themselves as employers to this tech-savvy and in demand group.


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