Efficiently recruiting skilled talent isn’t easy, and it’s doubly complex in competitive sectors like tech, where the open roles are numerous and the candidates to fill them are fielding multiple offers. Skilled candidates are hard to come by and even harder to lock down, even with an excellent offer on the table. Experienced recruiters make this process a little smoother, supporting employers and candidates in finding the right match. Here are some of the reasons working with an IT recruiter makes good business sense for employers.


interested in working with an experienced IT recruiter to fill your next vacancy? we’re here to support you.

combat labour shortages

If you’ve ever hired someone in the tech industry, you know how competitive it can be. Experienced candidates can be snapped up in a matter of days. It’s not unusual for highly sought-after candidates to receive multiple job offers or for companies to get into bidding wars in an attempt to secure the talent they want. Remaining competitive and creating job offers that are attractive to candidates, while working within your hiring budget can require careful balancing. IT recruiters can help you develop a recruitment strategy that ensures you have access to high-quality talent at a price point that’s realistic for your company and the market.

deeper understanding of the labour market

Dedicated IT recruiters are immersed in the tech market and have a deep understanding of what’s required to attract the best IT talent. The IT sector is extremely competitive and the highly specialized nature of IT work makes it challenging to recruiting IT professionals if you’re not active in the industry. In-depth knowledge about the tech landscape is invaluable when you’re trying to sign an in demand candidate who has several offers on the table. Randstad’s IT team has a dedicated market intelligence team that provides data and research about the tech landscape across Canada. We can analyze your processes, compensation, and provide consultative support to help you attract the best quality candidates.

tap into an established network

Many IT roles require highly specialized skills (such as ERP implementation, Big Data, specific development stacks, cloud architecture, etc). The talent pool in these specializations is small and close-knit. Taking the time to source and engage with a net-new candidate every time you want to make a hire is time-consuming and resource-intensive.

To make matters worse, 32% of candidates in the tech sector say they’re contacted by recruiters daily. Another 39% are contacted multiple times per week. Altogether, nearly 3 out of 4 IT professionals are approached by recruiters weekly. In-demand candidates are approached on social media, cold-called and otherwise approached with poor quality offers and bad recruitment practices so often, it’s bred distrust and skepticism of recruiters in the tech community. It can be hard for people (recruiters, especially) who are not a part of the tech community to connect with IT people and build authentic connections. When there’s a time crunch and a vacancy needs to be filled as soon as possible, an IT recruiter is your best bet. IT recruiters spend years building up their networks - they know the whos-who in the industry and have established relationships with candidates in highly specialized roles. As a result, they can help you facilitate the connections you need to fill an essential role swiftly, without resorting to hurting your reputation with poor recruitment practices.

fill vacancies quickly

In the IT world, an empty seat can cause complications and delays. If you’re missing a critical part of your IT team after a resignation or other unexpected circumstance, the role typically needs to be filled as quickly and efficiently as possible. You need to hire the right person for the job, because making a bad hire is costly. But taking the time to thoroughly vet candidates can be a slow and consuming process; screening resumes, scheduling interviews, testing candidates’ IT knowledge and negotiating an offer take time. When you need to expedite a hiring cycle to fill a critical vacancy quickly, an IT recruiter is your safest bet. We speed up the typical hiring cycle for permanent hires (from identifying the candidate to them accepting an offer). For more standard roles, we recommend a hiring cycle of 3 weeks, though the time-to-hire can be more or less depending on the complexity of the role. Based on our wealth of experience, we’re able to accelerate the hiring and vetting process, cutting out unnecessary delays and red tape to create a more seamless experience for both employers and candidates.

access quality talent quickly

The impact of hiring poor quality talent can have a detrimental effect on your productivity and team morale. Most IT departments run a tight ship and need every team member to pull their weight to put out a great product. One faulty cog in the machine can cause productivity to crash. At Randstad, we’re hyper-focused on efficiently vetting candidates and ensuring we present you with the best of the best talent. With decades of experience in IT recruitment, we’ve honed in on a process to quickly identify high potential candidates who will fit into your organization seamlessly. Speed is often the name of the game in IT recruitment. Taking the time to carefully weigh your options isn’t realistic. 76% of candidates consider multiple job offers before accepting one. To mitigate the problem of talent dropping out of your pipeline, you need to quickly identify high potential candidates and get your offer on the table before they’re sold on another offer.

focus HR’s time strategically

Internal HR teams often have competing priorities. They may serve several departments within your organization (each with different priorities and skill requirements) or even oversee multiple HR functions on top of recruitment, such as employee benefits, HR complaints, and employee performance. Having a dedicated recruitment partner allows your internal HR teams to claim back their time and focus on other internal processes that can’t be supplemented by external partners. Internal recruiters also tend to be generalists who recruit for a variety of roles and don’t have the same role-based expertise to craft compelling job offers that take into account specific market trends and fluctuations in the field you’re hiring in. A dedicated partner who specializes in IT recruitment allows your team to put forth stronger, customized offers and access higher quality talent faster.

interested in working with an experienced IT recruiter to fill your next vacancy? we’re here to support you.

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