In today’s rapidly evolving job market - where technological advancements, automation, and AI are reshaping how we work -  the need for skill adaptations is more critical than ever. 

While this applies to every workplace contributor, it’s particularly vital for women: it may be time to embrace upskilling opportunities in order to successfully navigate a dynamic professional landscape.

In this article, we explore three ways to advance your career and how they can empower you to thrive amidst technological progress, unlock greater earning potential, overcome imposter syndrome, and plan for the next stage of your career. 

By acquiring new skills and staying ahead of the curve, women can break barriers, challenge stereotypes, and reach their full potential in an ever-changing job market.

Two smiling women working on their laptop.
Two smiling women working on their laptop.

upskilling: how gaining new skills can future-proof your career

For women, upskilling presents a valuable opportunity to bridge the gap between their previous experience and current workforce requirements, ultimately enhancing their employability - especially for those who may have taken a career break or gone through job loss. 

In this article, we learn about Veena’s experience with layoff, and how she turned it into an opportunity to relaunch her career. 

This type of pivotal career moment can cause anxiety for many women - the burden of financial stress is amplified by emotional stress around getting back into the job market. But Veena focused on upskilling as a way to bolster her spirits and find motivation for future career prospects. 

Upskilling helps job seekers reinforce their technical competencies, and hone essential soft skills. Improved communication, teamwork, and problem-solving abilities can enable women to cultivate a well-rounded skill set that is crucial for career growth and advancement.

But it goes beyond skill-building. By joining communities, networking with like-minded individuals, and seeking mentorship, you can create a valuable support system that provides guidance, encouragement, and opportunities for collaboration.

Acquiring new skills is a game-changer for women seeking to reignite their careers. They become more confident and can explore new career paths, switch industries, or start their own businesses.

Upskilling makes career moves easier, leading to greater autonomy and financial independence, empowering you to shape your professional trajectory according to your own aspirations and goals.

Are you ready to enhance your career? Take a look at our carefully curated list of the most in-demand skills by Canadian employers. It's an opportunity you don't want to miss. Start upgrading your skillset today and pave the way for your professional success!

upgrading: how to overcome imposter syndrome to go after a pay raise or promotion 

When it comes time to negotiate a raise and advocate for a promotion, many women may feel burdened with imposter syndrome. 

Imposter syndrome affects women by undermining their confidence and causing them to doubt their abilities, achievements, and qualifications - leading to self-doubt.

This Forbes article suggests that many women are uncomfortable with the idea of self-promotion. Society often makes women believe that humility is virtuous, and tooting your own horn is not. 

So, the fear of being perceived as arrogant or self-centred weighs heavily on many people, making it difficult to celebrate their successes.

But to close the gender pay gap, progress professionally, and negotiate effectively, women need to understand the value they bring to their roles. 

What’s your current market value, and what’s the salary range for your position? Start conducting thorough research, so that you’re confident about what you bring to the table. 

To build a compelling case for a raise, it's important to highlight your accomplishments, skills, and contributions to the organization. 

This also means showcasing your soft skills. Why? Strong social and communal abilities often help women in securing promotions more effectively than only focusing on competitiveness. 

But it's crucial to remember that confidence and assertiveness still play a big role in negotiations. Approach the conversation with a clear mindset and be prepared to discuss your worth.

Having open and regular conversations with managers about your career goals and development is important. Ultimately, women should feel empowered to take ownership of their careers, actively advocating for their professional growth and financial well-being.

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uplifting: how to plan for the next stage of your career 

Do you feel stuck in your career, despite your best efforts and hard work? You’re not alone. Planning for the next stage of your career requires careful thought and strategic decision-making, but many women face systemic and structural challenges that have hindered their progress. 

A recent Harvard Business Review article explores how successful women have sustained career momentum to overcome these challenges. 37 women in senior leadership roles were interviewed to understand the key traits that helped them persevere when they felt stuck. 

The women who effectively maintained their career momentum incorporated essential behaviours at crucial points in their professional journeys.

  • A focused drive: Instead of feeling discouraged by challenges, try shifting your perspective - always keeping your long-term goals in mind. Remember, each barrier you overcome brings you closer to your higher aspirations, and equips you with valuable learnings and experiences. 
  • An incessant desire to learn: Upskilling propels your career, but seeking unfamiliar experiences and challenges is equally impactful. For instance, ask to shadow a leader you admire or raise your hand to lead a new project. By actively stepping outside your comfort zone, you can broaden your horizons and unlock valuable growth opportunities.
  • An agile mindset: While pursuing your goals is highly motivating, it's also important to embrace flexibility. Take the time to consider how you can adapt to new situations, explore different approaches, and swiftly assess circumstances to align them with your objectives.

Despite these important behaviours, most of the women interviewed agree that career journeys are far from linear.

While it can be discouraging at times, making strategic moves, gaining experience, or transitioning to different companies or roles can help you feel less stuck and push your career progress.  

Upskilling, upgrading, and uplifting are powerful catalysts in today's job market. By focusing on continuous learning and growth, women can confidently navigate their careers and seize new possibilities.

To embark on your own transformative journey, discover the Propeller Experience. This program empowers individuals through comprehensive courses, expert guidance, and a supportive community. 

It also equips you with the confidence needed to break through barriers, embrace new skills, and achieve your true potential.

If you’re ready to take your career to the next level, connect with one of our recruiters to learn about the possibilities.

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